Friday, June 23, 2006

MYsteries Of TimE

One Of the wOOnders Of wOrld, the pYramiDs of GiZa, now how can one do some PSIcotiCO-grAphy with these PyrAmids......

But that is wAt PSIcotiCO-graphY is all abOut, making usual UnUsual......

WhEN in EGYPT, i chAnced to see the mOst famous liGht and sOUnd show on the GIZA plateau.....

this is the first plain jane image that was clicked ....... nuthing special about it but the ILLUMINATED GREAT ONES..........

(see the people sitting in front, they have been purposely included in the image, to know why read On...)

OK nOw this is the secOnd image.......

U will asK why is this blurred, but now just see the people that had been added, they appear to be fixed, nOt blurr nuthing, they lOOk stable, and in context the PYRAMIDS LOOK TO BE MOVING IN TIME)

Ok the PSIcotiCO-GraphY doesnt end here, there is a third image in this series.....

Here in this the pyramids were illuminated using gReen aNd ReD lights, so just liek the secOnd image the ppL are steady, But again pyramids are looking moving, bUt ever seen the Traffic on ROad leaving light streaks during monsoon time, doesnt these look like LIKE TRAFFIC OF DEATH, FADING AWAY IN TIME ........

SO thats ALL i haVe fOr NoW.......


At 10:48 PM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Amol said...

Koooool effect.

At 11:38 PM, June 23, 2006, Blogger JC said...

"Koooool effect."
thats it amol!!!!!

well VJ, i am jus happy to c that u r continuing ur blog.....
keep it up....

and yea, the pics as well as observation is gooooood.....



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